Half Ogre

The descendants of the unintelligent and unattractive Ogres, Half Ogres bear an incredible size that's only thwarted by their full-blooded Ogre parents.

Physical Description: Half Ogres are large, bristling with muscles, and repulsive. People tend to remark about how ugly the Half Ogre's face is due to it being scarred, and squished together to fit on a body way too big for their head.

Most Common Alignment: Half Ogres tend to be filled with hate, and don't like cities or towns due to the fact that they get chased out of them. They're commonly Unholy Neutral.

Most Common Class: Half Ogres are simple creatures, and thus lean towards simpler classes like Rogues or Soldiers, or for the more bestial they lean towards the Prototype class.

Most Common Deity: Half Ogres tend to worship dark gods or demons to grant them strength, some even choosing Lucifer as their chief deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Strength

Size: Large

Speed: 4 squares and 4 square climb speed

Shatter Bones: On a critical hit, Half Ogres automatically reduce the speed(s) of the person they've critically hit to 1 square. Flying creatures automatically plummet to the ground.

Overhand Chop: Half Ogres receive a +1 bonus to attack and damage when wielding a two-handed weapon.

Languages: Native Language and Orcish

(Image from World of Warcraft)