Covert Infiltration

Covert Infiltration

Scene Complexity: 2 Stealth checks or 2 Deception checks

Acrobatics: A DC 20 Acrobatics check is needed to wiggle through intricate crawl spaces to avoid detection. Success grants a +4 bonus to the Stealth check.

Deception: A DC 25 Deception check is needed to convince the guards to allow you through. Two tests are needed for a success of the Skill Scene.

Stealth: A DC 24 Stealth check. Two tests are needed for a success of the Skill Scene.

Scene Notes: Usually covert infiltration requires a time limit of about 30 minutes.

Success Results: You successfully reach the intended location without being detected or tripping alarms.

Failure Results: You successfully reach the intended location, however you are either detected or end up setting off an alarm.