
Name/Title: Putna "King of the Eternal Sea"

Alignment: Disorderly Neutral

Portfolio: Philandering, Treasure, Exploration

Holy Symbol: A cross between a starship and a sea-ship.

Favored Animal: Hawk

Favored Color: Orange-Brown

Favored Weapon: Scimitar

Emissaries: Due to being a philandering swashbuckler in his time, Putna comes down as a well-dressed yet very flashy young man - clean shaven and always with a grin on his face. His followers often meet him in a pub, getting drinks and ogling women together.

Personality: Putna cares very little for the affairs of the material world, especially those which don't catch his interest. Despite this, he takes pleasure in whatever it is he's engaging in, and makes the most of it.

Code of Conduct: Priests of Putna are forbidden from harming women unless the woman is a threat to him or his friends. In addition to this, the instance they enter a new place they are to 'familiarize' themselves with the local bars and inns on the first night. During this period, they are immune to the effects of drinking alcohol in order to find the best one.

Uniform: Priests of Putna are required to wear extravagant and showy clothing.

(A space pirate who worships Putna)

(Image by jmturbo)