Spellcasting (Magic)

You have the ability to cast spells, through some form of mystical powers.

Prerequisite(s): Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 1+

Benefit(s): Gain the ability to cast spells. Receive one free spell (must be at least 4 EXP or less), then must spend EXP on the rest. You can only gain this feat once per casting type, gaining the free spell once per casting type when the feat is chosen.

Classes which don't receive Spellcasting as a bonus feat (such as Soldier or Rogue) can only gain up to 8 EXP spells like Factotums.

Special: Choose which stat is relied upon for spellcasting (Intelligence for study, Wisdom for understanding, and Charisma for force of will.) After choosing the stat required, choose a type of spellcasting to focus in (arcane, divine, etc.)