
Fierce bipedal creatures with immense upper body strength and an appetite for sentient beings, they are often the targets of big game hunters.


Intensity: 1.9 (Powerful Human)

Disorderly Neutral; Huge; Monstrous Humanoid


Fortitude Defense: 21 (+5 Natural Hardiness) ; Reflex Defense: 19 (+10 Natural Armor) ; Will Defense: 10

HP: 198 (50 + 12 (Con) + 8d10 + 96) ; Damage Threshold: 31 (21 + 10 (Size) )

Misc: Regeneration 5


Speed 8 sq.

Melee Bite +16 (2d6+16), 2 Claws +11 (1d8+8 plus Bone Crush)

Space 3x3 sq. ; Reach 3 sq.


STR 8, Dex -1, Con 6, Int -5, Wis -2, Cha 2

Attack Bonus +10 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Power Strike, Improved Power Strike, Double Cleave

Skills Awareness +5

Language None

Special Rancor's Wrath, Bone Crush

Rancor's Wrath (Ex)

The Rancor's bite attack is considered to be Brutish. In addition to this, successful bite attacks deal an additional 1d4 points of bleed damage for 2 rounds.

Bone Crush (Ex)

On a successful attack with a claw attack, a Rancor can make a grapple attempt (the attack is at a +15) and on a successful attack they have the creature in their grasp. If the creature begins their upcoming turn in the Rancor's grapple, they move one step down the condition.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary, pair, or colony (1d6+3)

Universe any

Treasure none