Krayt Dragon

Desert beasts who seek out anything within sight to consume, the larger the prey the better. They are regarded as some of the most fearsome of Theta-6's creatures.

Krayt Dragon

Intensity: 4.2 (Powerful Dragon)

True Neutral; Colossal; Dragon


Fortitude Defense: 41 (+4 Rank) (+6 Natural Hardiness) ; Reflex Defense: 14 (+4 Rank) (+10 Natural Armor) ; Will Defense: 17 (+4 Rank)

HP: 1,016 (80 + 38 (Con) + 20d12 + 760 + 3d12) ; Damage Threshold: 91 (41 + 50 (Size) )

DR: DR 15/Adamantine ; Misc: Immune to poison and disease


Speed 10 sq.

Melee Bite +24 (4d6+44 plus Devour), Tail Slap +24 (4d6+22)

Space 8x8 sq. ; Reach 6 sq.


STR 22, Dex -2, Con 19, Int -5, Wis 1, Cha 0

Attack Bonus +12 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Power Strike

Skills Awareness +8, Stealth +13; Racial Modifiers +5 Stealth

Language Draconic

Special Tremorsense, Camouflage, Devour

Tremorsense (Ex)

Krayt Dragons can automatically detect anything touching the ground within 100 squares of it without the need of an Awareness check.

Camouflage (Ex)

Krayt Dragons ignore the size penalty to Stealth while in a desert environment.

Devour (Ex)

Krayt Dragons count their bite attack as if it were brutish. In addition, if a Krayt Dragon hits with its bite attack, a grapple check is made (at a +44 bonus) and on a successful hit the creature is in the process of being shredded so they may devour them. Any creature caught takes 1d8+22 points of bludgeoning damage for every round they remain within the Krayt Dragon's gullet. If the creature is knocked unconscious, they are swallowed by the Krayt Dragon and continue to take 4d6 points of acid damage every round they're in their stomach.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any desert environment

Organization solitary or pair

Universe any (particularly Theta-6)

Treasure Dragon Pearls (2d4+2)

Dragon Pearls: These valuable pearls are found in a Krayt Dragon's stomach, and each one is worth approximately 100,000 Gold each. In addition, these stones can be used as the crystal for a lightsaber. Any lighsaber can be modified with one of these pearls, and receive a +4 bonus to damage if they are outfitted with it.