
By meditating, you gain insight into the future and on a specific event that will transpire.

Spell Type: Psychic {Sense}

EXP Cost: 12

Casting Time: Full-Round Action

Target: Self

Goes Against: None

Description: You meditate in order to gain insight into a single event that will occur. You must be meditating on an event you know will happen, this can be a vague event (such as something bad happening at the upcoming meeting) to something specific (an assassination will occur at midnight tonight).

After meditating, you can treat any one d20 roll as a natural 20 at the event. This only affects a single d20 roll (and not the confirmation roll on attack rolls), and the benefit otherwise lasts until the event is concluded or it is spent. If an event (such as a war or apocalyptic scenario) lasts for more than 1 day, the spell wears off.