Awaken Animal

You use a mystical power from the fey in order to awaken an animal.

Spell Type: Nature {Neutral}

EXP Cost: 8

Casting Time: Full-Round Action

Target: Single touched animal

Goes Against: N/A

Description: A single animal you touch is bestowed with greater intelligence than it once had. The animal learns a single human language, and it increases all of its mental stats by an amount equal to the caster's casting stat (minimum 1). This cannot raise their mental ability scores higher than half the caster's casting stat (minimum 1). You can only have 2 animals awoken at one time. These animals aren't always friendly, despite being awoken, but most are apathetic towards the one who gave them intelligence.

By spending 2 EXP to advance this spell you can increase the amount of animals you can have awoken at once by 1. This can be done up to a total of 8 animals awoken at once.