Sonic Burst

You cause a small burst of sound that deafens those inside.

Spell Type: Arcane {Sonic}

EXP Cost: 4

Casting Time: Standard

Target: 2 Square Radius

Goes Against: Fortitude Defense

Description: By causing a small sound burst in a 2 square radius in a single square within 12 squares of you, those stuck in the burst have an attack made against their Fortitude Defense. On a successful hit, those in the burst take 2d4 points of Sonic damage and are deafened for 1 round. If their Fortitude Defense is bypassed by 10 or more, they are instead deafened for the rest of the encounter.

By spending 2 EXP to advance the spell, the amount of Sonic damage increases by 2d4 (to a maximum of 10d4 Sonic damage).