Chronomancer Talents

The following talents are available to the Chronomancer class.

Alter Fate

You're able to change you or your allies' fates and the course of their actions to a more favorable result.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): You or an ally within 6 squares who makes a d20 check can reroll their d20 checks and take the better results. This ability can be used up to one time per day per person able to be affected (even if someone enters and exits the sphere of influence who has used the ability, their use is considered expended).

Charmed Life

You have the supernatural aid of time to protect you from harm as opposed to your reflexes.

EXP Cost: 2 EXP

Benefit(s): You can add your Charisma to your Reflex Defense as opposed to your Dexterity if it is higher, and for all intents and purposes it counts as Dexterity for effects such as Maximum Dexterity to Reflex Defense.

Delayed Wounds

You're able to trigger someone's wound to open up even when they're trying to close it.

EXP Cost: 3 EXP

Benefit(s): Upon dealing damage, you can choose to activate Delayed Wounds as an immediate action. When the enemy attempts to heal damage dealt to them their healing is halved. In addition to this, the damage dealt that had Delayed Wounds applied reduces their Maximum HP for the rest of the encounter by that amount.

Edge of time

You are able to slip out of time during your turn and into a completely different dimension that is devoid of time's effects.

EXP Cost: 5 EXP

Benefit(s): Slipping into this alternate dimension is a free action that is done at the beginning of your turn. You are able to stay in this dimension for 1 round plus 1 round per point of Charisma (minimum of 1 round). Nobody can follow you into this alternate dimension, not even other Chronomancers, however you are unable to affect the outside world while there. You can only do this once per encounter.

Forced Aging

You cause someone to feel the effects of aging, regardless of whether they're physically aging or not.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): You make an attack (using Attack Bonus and Charisma) against the Fortitude Defense of a target within 6 squares, and on a successful hit they feel the effects of aging and take 2d8 points of damage and the opponent is staggered and knocked down the condition track by 1 step.

Shift Step

You can teleport a short distance due to a slip in time.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): Once per encounter you can teleport up to 12 + your Charisma squares as a free action.

Shunt Back

Time jumps you back as a means to protect you from the reach of enemies.

EXP Cost: 3 EXP

Benefit(s): As an immediate action if you are within the reach of an enemy or an enemy moves into melee reach of you, you can teleport 3 squares away from the enemy. This can be done once per round, and an enemy cannot follow you with the use of abilities such as Step Up.

Stop Time

By stopping one individual's way through time, they stay completely still and are unable to take their turn.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): You stop time for a single person within 6 squares. If you successfully make an attack against their Will Defense (using Attack Bonus and Charisma), the opponent is unable to take their action until next round. This cannot affect the same opponent for 24 hours.

Superior Movement

You are able to manipulate time to make you even quicker in combat.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): You are able to transform one of your Swift Actions into a Move Action once per encounter.


You're able to swiftly change time in a minor way to benefit you.

EXP Cost: 3 EXP

Benefit(s): When taking an action and the action results are unfavorable, you can once per encounter "take back" the action and undo what was done. This takes back all results of what happened during the action.

Example: Taking a Standard Action to attack and it leads to a miss, you use "takeback" and instead take a move action to move away from the enemy.

Temporal Meditation

You can meditate upon time to try to sway its effects on your next attempted action.

EXP Cost: 5 EXP

Benefit(s): As a full-round action you can enter into a meditative state, trying to understand time and its effects on you and the rest of the world. On your next turn you exit the meditation and receive a bonus to your next d20 result equal to double your Charisma.

Temporal Rift

You rip a hole in time, causing major destabilization.

EXP Cost: 8 EXP

Benefit(s): You can create a time rift in reality which opens up to many different time streams in any square within your melee reach. This time rift has a gravitational pull of sorts, and takes up a single square and has a radius of pull out to 6 squares. All creatures within 6 squares (including the Chronomancer) has an attack against their Reflex Defense (using the Chronomancer's Attack Bonus and Charisma) and on a success they are pulled 1 square closer to the Temporal Rift. For every 5 points over their Reflex Defense this attack succeeds, it pulls them an additional 1 square. This gravitational pull begins at the beginning of the Chronomancer's next turn before they act.

If a creature is pulled into the same square as the Temporal Rift, an attack is made against their Fortitude Defense and Will Defense, both at the same bonus previously adding a +10 to the result. If the Fortitude Defense is bypassed, the afflicted creature takes 10d8 points of untyped damage. If the Will Defense is bypassed the afflicted creature is flung 1d12 hours into the (1d2 - 1 = past, 2 = future). If the creature's Fortitude Defense and Will Defense are bypassed, they are instead flung 1d12+20 years into the (1d2 - 1 = past, 2 = future) and instead take 20d8 points of untyped damage.

This can be used once per encounter, and lasts 5 rounds.

Temporal Stasis

You slow time for yourself or an ally so they enter a state out of time so the normal flow passes over them.

EXP Cost: 5 EXP

Benefit(s): You or an ally touched is able enter a stasis in which time stops affecting them and they are unable to be harmed or altered while in the stasis (yet the creature in stasis can be moved by outside forces). While in the stasis they're unable to take any actions until they willingly choose to exit from the stasis. At a minimum however the stasis lasts for a full day.

Time Stutter

While moving in a straight line, you cause opponents to have difficulty striking you.

EXP Cost: 5 EXP

Benefit(s): As a part of a move action you can active "Time Stutter". This makes it so you can only move in a straight line, however this movement constantly shifts and turns, causing any attacks of opportunity against you to suffer a 50% miss chance. While moving you also receive a +5 bonus to Reflex Defense.

Timed Stab

In addition to all of your regular attacks, you can make an additional quick jab that debilitates foes.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): You can take an additional attack on a full-round attack at a -5 penalty (as if using Double Attack, though this can be used in conjunction with Double Attack) and the attack instead deals half damage and the opponent moves 1 step down the condition track upon being hit.

Timed Stealth

You're able to slip into time briefly to avoid sight from those looking for you.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): You can add your Charisma as a bonus to your Stealth checks. Once per day you gain a +20 bonus to a single Stealth check.