Adeptus Astartes

Bio-engineered humans who have been built in such a way to be super soldiers that rock the battlefield with their immense strength and tactics.

Physical Description: Those who are Adeptus Astartes must always be male, and have the same complexion and physical features of an incredibly large human. They are unable to produce offspring, and thus half-breeds cannot be half Adeptus Astartes.

Most Common Alignment: Adeptus Astarte typically serve an order, a lord, or some sort of higher being rather than being independent. Because of this, their alignment matches whatever order, lord, or higher being they serve.

Most Common Class: Due to their immense strength and being built for war, Adeptus Astartes typically become Soldiers however there are some who become Psychics.

Most Common Deity: Adeptus Astarte worship The God Emperor of Mankind usually, though this is for those who serve the Imperium. Others devote themselves to Chaos, becoming Chaos Marines and worshiping the deities Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, or Slaanesh.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Strength

Size: Large

Speed: 6 squares

Bio-Enhanced Fortitude: Adeptus Astartes receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense.

Bonus Feat: Adeptus Astartes receive a bonus combat feat of their choice.

Languages: Native Language and Low Gothic

(Image from Warhammer 40,000)