Blade of Radiance

You summon a blade of holy radiance that smites the most evil of foes.

Spell Type: Divine {Holy}

EXP Cost: 4

Casting Time: Swift

Target: Self

Goes Against: N/A

Description: As a swift action you can summon a blade made entirely of holy energy. This blade deals double damage when used against demons or undead. When used against mortals it deals normal damage but counts as slashing instead of holy damage. "Blade of Radiance" deals 1d6 points of damage, has a 19-20/x2 critical range, and a range of melee. When used against enemies of the Unholy alignment the blade deals damage as if one size category larger.

By spending 2 EXP to advance the spell, you can improve the Blade of Radiance. This can be done by increasing the damage die (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 to 1d10, and finally 1d10 to 2d6), increase the critical range to 17-20 as if affected by penetrating, or applying a single weapon special ability. For the sake of weapon special abilities, the Blade of Radiance is a one-handed sword. The weapon special ability advance can only be taken once.