
Gungans are residents of the swamps of Naboo. Though their culture is mostly civil, they originally evolved from a series of bloody clan wars.

Physical Description: Gungans stand around human height if not a bit taller and they have the following; eyestalks, floppy ears, and long tongues. Their skin is sometimes green, brown, tan, pink, or even blue.

Most Common Alignment: Due to their peaceful nature yet warrior-driven spirit, Gungans are most commonly Orderly Neutral.

Most Common Class: Gungans tend to become Soldiers or Rogues.

Most Common Deity: Gungans may have religious ties to nature deities, but more often than not this isn't the case.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Dexerity

Size: Medium

Speed: 8 squares

Lightning Fast: Gungans receive a +2 bonus to Reflex Defense. In addition, their land speed is increased by +2 squares (already factored in above).

Hold Breath: Gungans can stay underwater for a number of rounds equal to 25 times their Constitution score. Afterwars they must make Endurance checks to hold their breath.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Gunganese

(Image from Star Wars)