Character Advancement

Characters receive EXP through game time and after sessions. EXP is awarded by the GM and potentially by the players. Use the list below as a guideline for awarding EXP for the session.

    • Participated until the end of the session - 1 EXP

      • Participated in an easy encounter - 2 EXP

      • Participated in an average encounter - 5 EXP

      • Participated in a difficult encounter - 10 EXP

      • Participated in an impossible encounter - 20 EXP

    • Completed the plot for the session - 1 to 10 EXP

    • Completed the overarching plot of the game - 10 to 50 EXP

The players and the GM participate in the EXP vote. During this the participants vote on which player deserves the bonus EXP below. All of these award 1 EXP. Multiple awards can be granted to one player, however multiple awards can't be awarded to different players. More conditions can be awarded than those listed here, but these are recommended.

    • Good role-play.

    • Helped progress the plot of the session or the overarching plot of the game.

    • Most outlandish ideas.

    • Advanced their character's story.

Tally up the EXP each character earned during the session, total it and then divide it by 3. The GM gains this EXP, when and if the GM decides to swap out for another GM and come in as a player they can use the EXP they gained throughout running and apply it to their character. This is to prevent the new character from being too behind on EXP.

By using the EXP gained through character advancement, the character can spend EXP to better themselves and gain new abilities.

    • Gain 1 Hit Die - 3 EXP

    • Increase a Class' Ability Score - 10 EXP

    • Increase an Ability Score - 20 EXP

    • Increasing Attack Bonus is 5 EXP

    • 1 Rank in a Skill is equal to 1 EXP

    • Feats (unless stated otherwise) - 2 EXP

    • Gain 1,000 G - 1 EXP

    • Increase a class' Defense Bonus - 2 EXP

    • Increase other Defense Bonus - 6 EXP

    • Trait - 1 EXP

"Class Ability Score" are the ability scores classes receive a bonus in (for example, a Soldier receives a +1 in either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution). Classes reduce the EXP cost to advance these ability scores by half (making it 10 EXP instead of 20 EXP), these stats can be advanced beyond just once.

A Defense Bonus can be increased to a +12 (example: a Soldier can increase his Reflex Defense up to a +12 by spending 20 EXP on the +10 bonus for the maximum of +10, in addition he could also increase his Will Defense by +12 by spending 72 EXP).