
Sly and calculating beings, Twi'leks have an entrepreneurial spirit that leads them to positions of influence such as ambassadors, politicians, or even as crime lords.

Physical Description: Twi'leks stand at about human height with varying skin tones of white, green, blue, red, and orange to name a few. They use their "head-tails" known as lekku to communicate with other Twi'leks as a form of sign language.

Most Common Alignment: Though calculating and pragmatic, Twi'leks don't do too well with conflict and battle unless it is a social conflict. They are most commonly of the Orderly alignments.

Most Common Class: Twi'lek tend to become Rogues, however Twi'lek Jedi are also common.

Most Common Deity: If they worship anything, it's typically The Force.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Intelligence and Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Deceptive: Twi'leks may choose to reroll any Deception test made, however they must take the second result even if it's worse.

Resilience: Twi'leks receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language, Ryl, and Lekku