
A species from the Theta 6 universe who had hyperspace travel for thousands of years. They also developed an intricate Bothan SpyNet which many cultures value.

Physical Description: Bothans stand just a little shorter than the average human with fur all over their body and almost rodent-like facial features. The hair on their body ripples in response to their emotional state.

Most Common Alignment: They are curious, crafty, manipulative, suspicious, and even a little paranoid. Despite this however, they can be loyal and brave, allowing them to dedicate themselves to a cause almost wholeheartedly. Bothands tend to be Orderly Neutral.

Most Common Class: Bothans most commonly become Rogues.

Most Common Deity: If any do, they worship The Force.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Dexterity and Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Unshakable Will: Bothans receive a +2 bonus to Will Defense.

Intelligent Wordplay: Bothans can choose to use Intelligence in place of Charisma for Deception and Persuasion.

Languages: Native Language and Bothese

(Image from Star Wars)