
Nomadic and tribal alien who believe that anyone who dies in honorable service to his people becomes a god upon death.

Physical Description: Tall, reptilian in nature, and possessing scales that range in color from a deep red to a dull yellow. Kaleesh typically wear their black hair in long braids or topknots. The Kaleesh's long faces are framed on either side by two sharp tusks that extend out of their jawbone and their nostrils are two long slits.

Most Common Alignment: Due to the warrior pride and tribal nature of the Kaleesh, they're often from any of the Orderly alignments.

Most Common Class: Kaleesh prefer the role of a Soldier and they rarely go as Rogues, preferring the more direct approach if they take up as a Rogue.

Most Common Deity: Kaleesh often worship their ancestors as if they were deities, and derive their divine and shamanistic powers from their ancestors.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Constitution and Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Driven: Kaleesh receive a +5 bonus to Will Defense against mind-affecting effects.

Persistent: Kaleesh can reroll any Endurance check and take the better result.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Kaleesh

(Image from Star Wars)