Move Object

You know how to pick up and manipulate objects and people with your psychic power.

Spell Type: Psychic {Telekinesis}

EXP Cost: 1

Casting Time: Standard

Target: Target within 10 squares

Goes Against: Will Defense

Description: Making an attack against a person or object's Will Defense (objects that aren't moving have a Will Defense of 0) you take control of it through telekinesis. For objects they can be moved or thrust, if they are used as an attack against someone they deal damage appropriate for their size (1d3 Tiny, 1d4 Small, 1d6 Medium, 2d6 Large, 4d6 Huge, 6d6 Gargantuan, 10d6 Colossal) and use the same attack as Move Object's attack modifier.

If this is used against people, it goes against their Reflex Defense and on a success the target is manipulated as if they were an object. Every round the attacker wishes to continue to manipulate their target, they must succeed on another attack roll. If the person is hurled against a wall or object they take 1d6 + casting stat of damage, and if the target is let go they fall prone.