
The common foot soldiers of heaven, they serve holy deities to root out the unholy, and purge it. Famously named archangels are among the most powerful angels and beings in existence outside of the godly.

Archangel (Common)

Intensity: 3.3 (Standard Dragon)

Holy Order; Medium; Outsider (Angel, Holy)


Fortitude Defense: 18 (+4 Natural Hardiness) ; Reflex Defense: 33 (+2 Rank) (+12 Armor) (+4 Natural Armor) ; Will Defense: 21 (+2 Rank) (+4 Mental Resistance)

HP: 110 (50 + 8 (Con) + 4d10 + 32) ; Damage Threshold: 18

DR: DR 10/Unholy and Magic ; SR: 25 ; Misc: Immune to acid, cold, electricity, fire, death effects, petrification, ability damage, and ability drain.


Speed 6 sq. (6 sq. Fly)

Melee +1 Broad Sword +14 (1d12+6 (+10 if Two-Handing), 20/x3 critical)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 4, Dex 3, Con 4, Int 3, Wis 3, Cha 4

Attack Bonus +8 ; Casting Stat: Charisma ; MP: 18

Feats Weapon Proficiency (All), Armor Proficiency (All), Spellcasting (Divine), Weapon Focus (Swords), Weapon Specialization (Swords)

Skills Acrobatics (Strength) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +6, Spellcraft +6

Language All Human Languages, Celestial, and Demon Speech

Special Warrior of Heaven, Power of Heaven

Warrior of Heaven (Su)

Creatures of a holy alignment, plants, animals, vermin, and mindless creatures cannot willingly attack an archangel, creatures of a holy alignment cannot be forced to either. An archangel who willingly attacks or threatens these types of creatures relinquishes this power for the creature they attacked and any of their allies.

Power of Heaven (Su)

While wielding a weapon and the Archangel hits an opponent that is harmed by holy energy, they count their weapon's damage as holy energy.


Divine Holy Light, Healing Touch (Mk. IX), Aura of Radiance

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any (typically heaven)

Organization solitary, pair, or squad (1d8+4)

Universe any

Treasure +1 Broad Sword, +1 Platinum Fullplate (This fullplate has an Armor Penalty of 0 and a Maximum Dexterity of +4, and it has no speed penalty)