
One of the strongest and fiercest humanoids out there, Wookiees have many customs and traditions that draw upon honor and loyalty, including a special bond called a "life debt". Wookiees are typically gentle unless provoked.

Physical Description: Wookiees are larger than humans and covered in fur. Some of them have braids in their fur.

Most Common Alignment: Though Wookiees are honorable and loyal, they also tend to be rash and short-tempered. They are commonly of the Neutral alignments, though very few Wookiees are Disorderly.

Most Common Class: Wookiee Soldiers are the most common due to their physical stature.

Most Common Deity: Wookiees tend to worship nature-related deities.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Strength

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Wookiee Grip: Wookiees can wield two-handed weapons in one-hand, but take a -2 penalty to hit with them.

Deep Rage: Once per encounter Wookiees can enter into a berserker rage as a swift action. While raging Wookiees gain a +2 bonus to melee attack and damage, and are unable to use skills such as Deception, Handle Animal, Heal, Linguistics, Persuasion, Spellcraft, Use Computers, or Use Magic Device. This rage lasts for 5 + Constitution modifier rounds.

Languages: Native Language (can't speak) and Shyriiwook