

Soldiers focus in everything related to martial combat: they live and breathe for battle. Despite the title of “Soldier”, this doesn’t mean the character is a career soldier but can extend to marital artists and mercenaries as well.

HP & Defenses

Soldiers possess a d10 Hit Die, and they start the game with 50 Hit Points (plus double Constitution and other modifiers). By spending 3 XP the Soldier can gain a Hit Die, increasing their Hit Points accordingly.

They also receive a +2 bonus to Reflex Defense and Fortitude Defense.

Stat Bonuses

Soldiers receive a +1 bonus to one of the following attributes; Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

Increasing these attributes outside of character creation is done at a discount (10 XP per increase instead of 20 XP)

Attack Bonus

Soldiers receive a +2 Attack Bonus.

By spending 5 XP the Soldier can increase their Attack Bonus by +2, to a maximum of +12.

Skill Points

Soldiers receive 1 rank in the following skills at character creation;

Starting Feats

Soldiers receive the following starting feats;

Weapon Training

Soldiers select a weapon group to serve as their preferred type. They receive Weapon Focus as a bonus feat in the selected weapon group, and any bonuses from Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization are doubled for this weapon group.

Armor Training

Soldiers receive training in all forms of armor, making them versatile in light, medium, heavy, and even no armor. Choose a type of armor, and they add half their Attack Bonus to their Reflex Defense. If no armor is chosen, Attack Bonus is added in its entirety to their Reflex Defense.