
Monsters are a great danger among the multiverse; most monsters are stronger than normal humans - even some of the more powerful humans. Groups of powerful humans are usually needed to take down monsters. Monsters usually fall under the character rank rules, and when they gain bonuses from this the bonuses granted are included on the bottom of the page.

Each monster falls into different "breeds", each breed gaining different benefits and each breed also has a sub-breed. For example, Outsider is a breed, and Outsiders have sub-breeds such as Angel and Demon.

Most creatures in the Bestiary aren't build using any formal EXP distribution. Because of this, monsters rely on character rank rather than EXP to denote the strength of the build and how challenging the enemy is.

Intensity goes off of a monster's Rank, and is listed as decimals starting at Standard Human with 0.0 and moving up to 0.9 on the scale. The ones digit represents the rank the character is on (Standard Human is 0 while Godly Being is 9) while the decimal represents how powerful they are within their rank.

Monsters typically have skill ranks in a few select skills as opposed to a wide variety like player characters. To determine how many skill ranks a monster has in a skill, merely take away the modifier they're receiving from their ability score.

Monster Breeds

Each monster is categorized by its breed and sub-breed. There are 13 number of breeds and a minimum of 2 sub-breeds for each breed. Multiple sub-breeds can apply to a single creature. In addition, there are certain sub-breeds which can apply to any creature and not just specific breeds.

Aberrations: Alien creatures, creatures with bizarre anatomy, and creatures with strange abilities.

Animals: Living, non-human characters with no magic or any sort of sentience beyond primal instinct.

Constructs: Animated or artificially created objects.

Dragons: Incredibly tough reptilian creatures which sometimes possess magical and bizarre abilities.

Fey: Creatures with supernatural powers and abilities tied to nature or some outside force influencing the world.

Humanoids: Bipeds which usually have two arms, a torso, and a head. Every humanoid has a sub-breed relating to their species.

Magical Beasts: Animals or animal-type creatures which have ascended beyond their bestial intelligence. They also may possess magic.

Monstrous Humanoids: Similar to humanoids but with animalistic or monstrous appearances.

Oozes: Mindless amorphous blobs.

Outsiders: Creatures which come from odd planes of existence or universes. Protectors of the afterlife fit in this, as well as warriors from other dimensions and planes of existence.

Plants: Vegetable and mushroom-type creatures with some semblance of free will, or animalistic instincts.

Undead: Once-living creatures animated through supernatural means.

Vermin: Insects, arthropods, arachnids, worms, and similar invertebrates.