
Dubbed "Lord of the Flies", Beelzebub appears as just that, a gigantic and haunting fly with many smaller flies surrounding his massive form.


Intensity: 8.5 (Demigod)

Unholy Diorder; Gargantuan; Outsider (Demon Prince, Unholy)


Fortitude Defense: 48 (+8 Rank) (+15 Natural Hardiness) ; Reflex Defense: 38 (+8 Rank) (+10 Natural Armor) ; Will Defense: 51 (+8 Rank) (+10 Mental Resistance)

HP: 970 (50 + 30 (Con) + 20d10 + 600 + 38d10) ; Damage Threshold: 86 (51 + 20 (Size) + 15 (Improved Damage Threshold) )

DR: DR 20/Legendary ; SR: 40 ; Misc: Immune to cold, fire, electricity, unholy, poison, disease, mind-affecting effects, death effects, petrification, ability damage, and ability drain. Regeneration 30 (Legendary). Resistance 30 to acid.


Speed 24 sq. (Fly)

Melee Bite +38 (7d6+26), 2 Claws +33 (6d6+26), Sting +33 (7d6+26)

Space 4x4 sq. ; Reach 4 sq.


STR 13, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 12

Attack Bonus +12 ; Casting Stat: Charisma ; MP: 34

Feats Spellcasting (Divine), Cheap Shot, Combat Mastery, Combat Reflexes, Elbow Shove, Second Wind, Extra Second Wind, Fabulous Mind, Bite the Bullet, Improved Damage Threshold III, Ground Shatter, Intense Spell, Selective Spell, Slow and Steady, Step Up

Skills Acrobatics (Strength) +30, Knowledge (Dark Magic) +30, Knowledge (Religion) +35, Spellcraft +35

Language All Human Languages, Demon Speech, Draconic, Aklo, and Celestial (can speak through Telepathy at a range of 48 squares)

Special Lord of the Flies, Biting Flies, Intense Form

Lord of the Flies (Su)

On the first round of combat (or a surprise round if caught by surprise) opponents have an attack at a +24 (AB + Charisma) made against their Will Defense if they can see Beelzebub. On a successful hit, they are stunned for 1 round as they stare in shock and terror at his massive fly form. After being afflicted by this (whether the attack was a hit or failure) they cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.

Biting Flies (Su)

Any creature that is adjacent to Beelzebub is swarmed by masses of black flies, and takes a -5 penalty to Reflex Defense. In addition to this, they have an attack made against their Reflex Defense at a +24 (AB + Charisma) and on a successful hit they take 5d8+12 damage or half damage on a miss. After being afflicted by this (whether the attack was a hit or failure) they cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.

Intense Form (Ex)

Despite being Gargantuan sized, Beelzebub only takes the benefits of being this size and not the penalties (except the penalty to Stealth).


Divine Necrotic Touch (Mk. IX), Unholy Sludge (Mk. IV), Arc of Darkness (Mk. VIII), Unholy Blackness, Ray of Decadence, Hellish Power, Summon Family, Final Breath, Undead Rising, Deity's Boon

Miscellaneous Information

Environment hell

Organization solitary

Universe any

Treasure Beelzebub's Wings, 2 Unholy Mandibles

Beelzebub's Wings: This pair of wings can be worn on a creature's back (sizing itself appropriately to the creature) and when worn it grants the creature a 24 square fly speed and immunity to poison, disease, ability damage, ability drain, and death effects.

Unholy Mandibles: These mandibles function as +5 Penetrating Scimitar that deals an additional +5d10 points of unholy damage on successful hits. In addition to this, it counts as a legendary weapon.