Town Guard

These guards are set up in enclaves, towns, cities, and the like. Their role is to defend the town at all cost.

Town Guard

Intensity: 0.1 (Standard Human)

Human Soldier; Orderly Neutral; Medium; Humanoid (Human)


Fortitude Defense: 15 ; Reflex Defense: 20 (+6 Armor | +9 Armor with Steel Shield) ; Will Defense: 10

HP: 56 (50 + 6 (Con) ) ; Damage Threshold: 15


Speed 6 sq. (4 sq. with armor)

Melee Longspear +5 (1d8+4) or Shortspear +5 (1d6+3)

Ranged Heavy Crossbow +4 (1d10+4, 19-20/x2)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq. (2 sq. with Longspear, 24 sq. with Heavy Crossbow)


STR 3, Dex 2, Con 3, Int -1, Wis -1, Cha 1

Attack Bonus +2 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Polearm, Bow), Armor Proficiency (All), Power Strike, Shield Wall

Talents Reeling Attack, Shrug It Off

Skills Acrobatics (Strength) +4, Awareness +0, Endurance +4, Knowledge (Tactics) +0, Ride +3

Language Native Language (Ex: English, Latin, Spanish, German)

Miscellaneous Information

Environment some shit

Organization solitary, pair, dispatch (1d4+1)

Universe any

Treasure Longspear, Shortpear, Heavy Crossbow, Breastplate, Steel Shield (only with Shortspear)