
Muton are large and aggressive alien creatures who have tons of imprinted memory on combat tactics and weaponry.

Physical Description: Mutons stand a little over 2 meters tall (6'5''), and have bulky frames. They are genetically modified for combat, and are incredibly strong. Despite their strength, their toughness can be overestimated.

Most Common Alignment: Mutons are conquerors and enjoy battle, yet they can easily be influenced by psychic influences. They are commonly Unholy Disorder.

Most Common Class: Mutons may focus on being a Soldier, or other physical oriented classes. They tend to stay away from Psychic due to the threats of being harmed by Psychokinetic damage.

Most Common Deity: Mutons tend to be atheist.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Strength

Size: Large

Speed: 4 squares

Blood Call: As a standard action the Muton can unleash a bestial call, granting a +2 bonus to a single d20 roll this round for other Muton characters within 4 squares.

Intimidating Aura: Mutons can glare at a single target within 6 squares. On a successful Persuasion (Intimidate) check vs. the target's Will Defense, that target is panicked instead of shaken. This lasts for 1 round.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Aklo

Special: Mutons have a particular weakness to psychic attacks, and are Vulnerable to Psychokinetic damage.

(Image from XCOM: Enemy Unknown)