
The celtic god of the son, Lugh was said to be killed in the great war between the Tuatha D'anaan. He also fathered the hero Cu Chulainn.


Intensity: 9.0 (Godly Being)

Holy Neutrality; Medium; Outsider (Fire)


Fortitude Defense: 46 (+2 Armor) (+8 Rank) ; Reflex Defense: 68 (+16 Armor) (+8 Rank) ; Will Defense: 43 (+8 Rank)

HP: 2,045 (50 + 52 (Con) + 29d10 + 1,508 + 58d10) ; Damage Threshold: 46

DR: DR 10/- ; SR: 35 ; Misc: Immune to fire, electricity, acid, sonic, poison, disease, death effects, ability damage, ability drain, and mind-affecting effects.


Speed 6 sq.

Melee +5 Broad Sword "Fragarach" +59 (5d12+37 (+69 if Two-Handing)) or +5 Adamantine Lance +59 (5d8+37 (+69 if Two-Handing))

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 32, Dex 32, Con 26, Int 25, Wis 23, Cha 23

Attack Bonus +12 ; Casting Stat: Intelligence ; MP: 0

Feats Weapon Proficiency (All), Armor Proficiency (All),

Skills None +0, None +0; Racial Modifiers +0 None

Language English

Special This, That

Power Name (Su, Sp, Ex)

Description of the power.

Power Name (Su, Sp, Ex)

Description of the power.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary (unique)

Universe any

Treasure +5 Platinum Fullplate

Lugh's Armor: The fullplate worn by Lugh does not restrict its wearer's Dexterity to Reflex Defense, and doesn't apply the Armor Penalty of the armor (so long as the wearer is proficient).