
Name/Title: Danyries (Lord of the Flies)

Alignment: Unholy Neutrality

Portfolio: Famine, Bugs, and Poison

Holy Symbol: A giant fly's head oozing green sludge

Favored Animal: Locust

Favored Color: Green

Favored Weapon: Longbow

Emissaries: Danyries comes to his followers as a swarm of locusts, flying around their target aggressively. Though they fly aggressively, they do not touch the follower. Alternatively, Danyries comes as a rotted body filled with locusts who can flow from his body.

Personality: Often irritable due to his never ending hunger, Danyries' followers do not like summoning him unless absolutely necessary or unless they possess food which can be used to gain Danyries' favor and make him less irritable.

Code of Conduct: Priests of Danyries must burn at least 2/3 of each meal they possess so that he may eat them in his own realm. In addition, they must leave their shirt open to show the world their caving stomach.

Uniform: Priests of Danyries must wear wear clothes made of bug's silk.

An emissary of Danyries.

(Image by Gonzalo Ordoñez)