
Short avian humanoids who have exceptional scholarly and social skills. Mrlssi are one of the smallest humanoids from Theta 6.

Physical Description: Blue-skinned avians who have feathers all over their body, young Mrlssi have brown or gray feathers that eventually evolve into a bright plumage. Mrlssi speak in high, piping voices - in their native language it may sound beautiful but in other languages some species find their voices grating.

Most Common Alignment: Quick witted and detail-oriented beings, Mrlssi like knowledge over physical possessions. Even the richest Mrlssi tend to be modest, except for when it comes to libraries and other databanks of knowledge. Mrlssi are often Holy Neutrality.

Most Common Class: Mrlssi often become Rogues, Factotums, or even Jedi.

Most Common Deity: Though some Mrlssi revere The Force, most worship deities of knowledge.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Intelligence and Charisma

Size: Small

Speed: 4 squares

Scholarly Information: Mrlssi gain 1 bonus rank in three Knowledge skills of your choice.

Intellectual Discussion: Mrlssi add their Intelligence as a bonus on all Persuasion checks.

Languages: Native Language and Mrlsstese

(Image by Tusserk)