
Using the power bestowed upon them by their deities, divine casters channel their power. Some divine casters don't worship deities, and instead channel power from divine concepts and ideals such as freedom or control.

Divine spells fall into one of two categories: {Holy} or {Unholy}. Holy spells channel positive energy which heals living creatures and harms the undead, unholy spells channel negative energy which heals undead creatures and harms the living. This same convention applies in regards to beneficial spells and negative effects. Holy spells typically benefit living creatures while applying negative effects onto the undead, and unholy spells benefit undead creatures while applying negative effects onto living creatures.

Divine casters have rely on their alignment to fuel their casting. A caster of the Holy alignment can only cast Holy spells while a caster of the Unholy alignment can only cast Unholy spells. Neutral casters must choose between one of the two.

When using spells to harm the living/undead or heal the living/undead, you must choose between which application of the spell you are using (example: using Healing Burst to harm undead doesn't allow you to heal allies caught in its radius).