
Attractive and with words like honey the Nue prefer to stay out of battle as much as possible, or if they engage in battle they do not prefer melee due to the likelihood of being struck, though some engage in melee to gather “attractive battle scars”.

Physical Description: Nue are beautiful and charming, their affinity for their looks meaning they take very good care of themselves. Their hair and eyes can be any color. Nue have natural tattoos and metallic protrusions on their bodies that make them stand out from others.

Most Common Alignment: Nue like to stray the line between conflicts, playing towards their own side and not wanting to take anyone else's side unless they want to, even if the other side is more beneficial.

Most Common Class: Nue dislike engaging in combat due to the fact that it threatens their livelihood which means they can't feed on fear. The same could be said about Nue and killing other people, since they don't want to kill their food supply. Nue often become Rogues or Factotums.

Most Common Deity: Nue tend to worship deities related to trickery and pranks, though not any overly violent or hateful deities.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Feast on Fear: If anyone within 6 squares of the Nue suffers from a fear effect, the Nue can feed upon it as a immediate action and regain an amount of HP equal to half of their total HP. This can only be done once per turn. This takes effect when they are first afflicted with it, and again if the affliction is re-applied and resets the duration.

Form Change: The Nue can transform into any living thing within one size category of them (still using their own stats), or into an inky black cloud (this cloud can only be hurt by magic or magically enhanced weapons), you cannot attack or cast spells while in cloud form.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Neu.

(Image from the game Touhou Dai Undousai)