
Mischievous little half-breeds of humans and fey-folk, Gnomes don’t carry as much magic as they would, however they carry just as much joy. Gnomes are playful, and like company. Gnomes from various cultures have some very strange routines.

Physical Description: One of the smallest humanoid races, Gnomes possess strange hair and eye colors and equally odd personalities. The majority of Gnomes take advantage of crazy fashion trends, especially among places with odd tastes in clothing and cosmetic changes.

Most Common Alignment: Though they like a good prank, Gnomes don't like to be cruel or vicious. They are, however, prone to fits of emotion and may tap into darker powers of abilities because of this.

Most Common Class: Gnomes are varied, each class having a famous Gnome associated with it.

Most Common Deity: Gnomes worship many different deities, though most choose nature-related deities.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Constitution and Charisma

Size: Small

Speed: 4 squares

Spunky: Gnomes receive a +2 bonus to Deception and Persuasion, and the bonus to Persuasion is doubled when telling a joke to increase a target's mood.

Earth Magic: Gnomes increase the attack by +1 and the damage dice by +1 on spells with the {Acid} descriptor.

Languages: Native Language, Gnomish, and Sylvan