Sith Wyrm

A monstrous creation as made by an ancient dark-side user Naga Sadow.

Sith Wyrm

Intensity: 4.8 (Powerful Dragon)

Unholy Disorder; Colossal; Dragon (Wyrm, Dark Side)


Fortitude Defense: 56 (+26 Natural Hardiness) (+4 Rank) ; Reflex Defense: 26 (+20 Natural Armor) (+4 Rank) ; Will Defense: 29 (+15 Mental Resistance) (+4 Rank)

HP: 802 (80 + 28 (Con) + 19d12 + 532 + 8d12) ; Damage Threshold: 106 (56 + 50 (Size) )

DR: DR 15/Adamantine ; SR: 30


Speed 10 sq.

Melee Bite +22 (5d6+38)

Space 8x8 sq. ; Reach 6 sq.


STR 17, Dex 0, Con 14, Int -4, Wis -2, Cha 0

Attack Bonus +12 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Power Strike, Improved Power Strike, Double Cleave, Triple Cleave, Weapon Focus (Bite), Weapon Specialization (Bite), Multi-Attack Proficiency II, Second Wind, Strengthened Recovery

Skills Awareness +12

Language None

Special Powerful Swallow

Powerful Swallow (Ex)

The sith wyrm treats their bite attack as if it were brutish. In addition to this, on a successful bite attack they can make a grapple attempt as a free action (+41 vs. Reflex Defense) and on a successful hit the target is swallowed whole if they are gargantuan or smaller. The creature swallowed takes the sith wyrm's bite damage plus 5d10 acid damage each round at the start of its turn, before it takes any actions.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary (unique)

Universe any (particularly Theta-6)

Treasure none