Force Sensing

Your ability to sense your surroundings, feelings, and allies is exceptionally trained.

Spell Type: The Force {Neutral}

EXP Cost: 1

Casting Time: Free Action or Swift Action

Target: Self

Goes Against: Will Defense or None

Description: As a free action you can use this power to automatically sense strong Dark Side presences (characters with a Dark Side score equal to their Wisdom), or if the presence is trying to be concealed a DC 20 Spellcraft check must be made (or against the target's Will Defense if it's a person). A relative, companion, or close friend in mortal danger or great pain can be sensed out to a range of 100,000 light years. A great disturbance such as planets being destroyed or the distress of many allies/friends, can be sensed anywhere in the same galaxy.

A DC 15 Spellcraft check must be made to determine the distance and general location to the location of the disturbance.

In addition as a swift action, you can ignore the effects of cover and concealment for the sake of an Awareness check to detect or observe targets.