Clockwork Soldier

An imposing man made of clockwork machinery stands firm, halberd in hand and lifeless eyes scanning his surroundings in wait of an intruder.

Clockwork Soldier

Intensity: 0.2 (Standard Human)

True Neutral; Medium; Construct (Clockwork)


Fortitude Defense: 20 ; Reflex Defense: 20 ; Will Defense: 10

HP: 82 (50 + 12 (Inte) + 20 (Size) ) ; Damage Threshold: 20

DR: DR 5/Steel


Speed 6 sq. (4 sq. with armor)

Melee Halberd +8 (1d10+12)

Ranged Heavy Crossbow +5 (1d10+4)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq. (2 sq. with Lunge)


STR 6, Dex 3, Con 6, Int -2, Wis 0, Cha -4

Attack Bonus +2 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Polearm, Bows), Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Lunge

Skills Awareness +4, Knowledge (Tactics) +3

Language Binary (Clockwork Dialect)

Special Standby

Standby (Ex)

A Clockwork Soldier can enter standby mode as a standard action. While in this mode, they cannot take any actions or move however they receive a +10 bonus to Awareness. If a threat is spotted, they can exit standby mode as an immediate action and are counted as engaging in a surprise round. They also receive a +5 bonus to their Initiative if combat is initiated in this way.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary, pair, troop (1d8+2), or company (1d12+5)

Universe any

Treasure Halberd, Heavy Crossbow, Steel Chainmail