Half Ghost

Descendants of humans and spirits of some sort. Half Ghosts are renowned for their pale complexion, solemn nature, and eerily calm attitude. Half Ghosts are created through occult rituals, otherwise spirits wouldn't be able to procreate with humans. This process involves touching the living soul and the dead's soul.

Physical Description: Half Ghosts look like their human brethren, save that their skin is pale white. They tend to have light colored hair and eyes, and dress in colorful clothing to combat the fact that they are so pale. Despite being Half Ghosts, they are corporeal creatures.

Most Common Alignment: Half Ghosts tend to be of the Neutral alignments, however Order also appeals to the Half Ghost more-so than Disorder.

Most Common Class: Half Ghosts make excellent Mages, Priests, and even Jedi. Half Ghosts also make exceptional Monks.

Most Common Deity: Depending on their upbringing they adopt various different kinds of humanoid deities.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Wisdom

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Magical Avoidance: Half Ghosts receive a +2 bonus to all Defenses against spells.

Semi-corporeal: Half Ghosts have a ghostly form which follows them about. This spiritual form that follows them is incorporeal and if it is attacked it's counted as dealing damage against the Half Ghost, though the attack must be able to harm incorporeal creatures. This spiritual body can float up to 6 squares away from its owner, and can deliver unarmed strikes (using the Half Ghost's unarmed strikes). These attacks add the Half Ghost's Wisdom in place of Strength for attack and damage. Alternatively, the Half Ghost can channel their spirit form into a weapon for 1 minute per day, allowing them to affect incorporeal creatures with their weapons. If this is done to their body, they instead become incorporeal for that 1 minute.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Necril

(Image from Touhou Project)