Half Orc

Born through the unhappy union of an Orc and another Humanoid species. They tend to be filled with malice - either towards other humanoids, Orcs, or both.

Physical Description: Half Orcs tend to have less pronounced tusks than their fathers, along with having more normal skin colors (though some still have the greens and browns of Orcs). Their voices also tend to be deeper, though not as deep as a full Orc.

Most Common Alignment: Half Orcs tend to lean towards any of the Neutral alignments, not wishing to bother themselves with other people's problems and wanting to be left alone.

Most Common Class: Half Orcs tend towards being Soldiers, however some take up life as Priests or Mages just to spite their Orcish brethren.

Most Common Deity: Half Orcs tend to worship deities of war, vengeance, and hate.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Strength and Constitution

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Under the Undying Sun: Half Orcs receive Fast Healing 2 when fighting during the daytime.

Unstoppable Rage: Half Orcs receive a +5 bonus to attack and damage if the enemy they're fighting has less Hit Dice than them.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Orcish