
Halflings (also sometimes called Hobbits or Liluns, the latter of which is derived from 'Lil One') are a short and adventurous race with a keen sense for danger while also being swift of foot.

Physical Description: Halflings stand at around a child's height, and have hair that covers the tops of their larger than average feet. Some Halflings bear many scars and lashes from being enslaved by much larger races like Ogres and Trolls.

Most Common Alignment: Halfling alignments tend to vary, though most commonly they're some degree of Neutral. This can change depending on the lifestyle the Halfling has led with most former slaves becoming Unholy conduits for deities or eldritch powers.

Most Common Class: Halflings make excellent Rogues, Factotums, and Priests.

Most Common Deity: Halflings may worship deities of thievery, trickery, ale, or even wealth.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Dexterity and Charisma

Size: Small

Speed: 4 squares

Swift Dodge: Halflings receive a +2 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense, and an additional +2 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense when being attacked by an enemy of at least Large size or larger.

Danger Sense: As an immediate action once per round the Halfling can give themselves an additional +2 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense against a single attack.

Languages: Native Language and Halfling

(Image by capprotti)