Natural Teleport

You summon the forces of nature to carry you off to a new location.

Spell Type: Nature {Forest, Desert, Plain, or Swamp}

EXP Cost: 8

Casting Time: Full-Round Action

Target: Self

Goes Against: N/A

Description: You are able to teleport 6 squares per point you have in your casting stat away from where you are now. After teleporting you suffer from a magical fatigue preventing you from teleporting for the next hour. If you would teleport into a wall or solid structure using this spell you are immediately shunted out and take 10d6 points of damage.

By spending 4 EXP to advance this spell you can take an ally with you in the teleportation. This can be done up to being able to take a total of 8 allies. These allies suffer from the same teleportation fatigue, however the fatigue only lasts 30 minutes for your allies.