
Lithe reptilian-like aliens with a female appearance, Vipers are the true form of 'Thin Men' which were used to infiltrate Earth.

Physical Description: Vipers have feminine bodies, and are snake-like in nature. Typically vipers have yellowish scales, and long tongues which are used to grapple their prey.

Most Common Alignment: Vipers are highly aggressive creatures, and seek to conquer worlds. They are commonly of any Unholy alignment.

Most Common Class: Vipers make excellent Rogues or Soldiers, though most tend towards the Rogue.

Most Common Deity: Vipers are atheist.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Strength and Dexterity

Size: Medium

Speed: 8 squares

Bite: Vipers have a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage, and has a chance of applying Viper's Poison (seen below).

Tongue Pull: Vipers can make grapple checks at a +1 reach.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Human Languages

Viper's Poison: Use the same attack modifier as the bite, but this goes against Fortitude Defense. On a successful hit, the target has their speed reduced to half for 1d4 rounds.

(Image from XCOM: Enemy Unknown)