B2 Series Super Battle Droid

Upgraded versions of the B1 Battle Droids, these droids stand a bit taller and use their wrist-mounted blasters to stop their foes.

B2 Series Super Battle Droid

Intensity: 0.5 (Standard Human)

True Neutral; Medium; Construct (Droid)


Fortitude Defense: 16 ; Reflex Defense: 12 ; Will Defense: 10

HP: 101 (50 + 4 (Inte) + 2d10 + 8 + 9 (Toughness) + 20 (Size) ) ; Damage Threshold: 16

DR: DR 5/Steel


Speed 6 sq.

Ranged 2 Wrist Blasters* +4 (2d10)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 2, Dex 0, Inte 2, Int 0, Wis 0, Cha -2

Attack Bonus +4 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Pistols, Rifles), Armor Proficiency (Light), Toughness

Skills Awareness +5

Language English, Binary

Special Plasteel Armor

* Wrist Blasters use the range, critical, magazine, and special statistics of a Blaster Rifle.

Plasteel Armor (Ex)

B2 Series Super Battle Droids are counted as wearing light 'Plasteel Armor' that grants them a +2 bonus to Reflex Defense.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary, pair, troop (4d6+4), platoon (4d10+10), or army (1d6 * 100)

Universe any

Treasure none