Red Jelly

This specific jelly is infused with a thirst for blood. It seeks out combat endlessly, wishing to absorb the blood spilled from their foes.

Red Jelly

Intensity: 0.2 (Standard Human)

True Neutral; Small; Ooze (Jelly)


Fortitude Defense: 17 ; Reflex Defense: 5 ; Will Defense: 4

HP: 46 (40 + 6 (Con) ) ; Damage Threshold: 17

DR: DR 5/Slashing or Bludgeoning


Speed 3 sq.

Melee Slam +5 (1d4+3 plus Technological Malfunction and Blood Consumption)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 3, Dex -6, Con 3, Int -, Wis -6, Cha -6

Attack Bonus +1 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats None

Skills None

Language None

Special Blood Consumption, Technological Malfunction

Blood Consumption (Ex)

Upon dealing damage with its natural attacks, it recovers half of the damage it deals as HP.

Technological Malfunction (Ex)

Due to the spreading nature of a jelly and the by-product of a jelly sticks to the internal bits of technology and can cause it to malfunction. Upon hitting with its slam and the creature it hits is wielding a technological item or wearing technological item, it has a 25% chance of malfunctioning and not working for 8 hours.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment dungeons, urban terrains

Organization solitary or pair

Universe any

Treasure none