B3 Series Ultra Battle Droid

A larger than normal edition of the Super Battle Droid steps forwards, sending out shots from its twin repeating blasters.

B3 Series Ultra Battle Droid

Intensity: 1.6 (Powerful Human)

True Neutral; Large; Construct (Droid)


Fortitude Defense: 21 ; Reflex Defense: 17 ; Will Defense: 11

HP: 208 (50 + 14 (Inte) + 6d10 + 84 + 30 (Size) ) ; Damage Threshold: 26 (21 + 5 Size)

DR: DR 10/Steel


Speed 8 sq.

Melee Slam +13 (1d6+7)

Ranged 2 Heavy Wrist Blasters* +6 (3d10) or Flamethrower +6 (3d6, 6 square cone) or Missile Launcher +6 (6d6, 2 square splash)

Space 2x2 sq. ; Reach 2 sq.


STR 7, Dex 1, Con 7, Int 0, Wis 1, Cha -1

Attack Bonus +6 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Rifles), Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Autofire Proficiency, Suppressive Fire

Skills Awareness +9

Language English, Binary

Special Quadanium Armor

* Heavy Wrist Blasters use the range, critical, magazine, and special statistics of a Blaster Rifle.

Quadanium Armor (Ex)

This droid's chassis is made from an especially hardened material which is able to deflect blaster bolts and various melee attacks. This armor grants the B3 Series Ultra Battle Droid a +7 armor bonus. This counts as medium armor, but cannot be worn as a separate piece of armor.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary, pair, of troop (3d4)

Universe any

Treasure none