
Long-living intergalactic nomads which have no central vital organs. As they age, they tend to lose their minds gradually. Their personalities become increasingly disjointed and they sometimes suffer from depression, psychosis, and other forms of insanity.

Physical Description: Skin colors range from bright red to a deep purple, and their eyes vary from bright red to yellow-orange. Mandible-like protrusions extend from each of their cheekbones, and their statures are incredibly tall as they stand over 2 meters tall.

Most Common Alignment: Gen'Dai often start as any Order alignment and over time degrade into Disorder alignments due to their deteriorating mental states.

Most Common Class: Gen'Dai tend to become Soldiers, taking advantage of their incredibly tough bodies and near-immortality.

Most Common Deity: Gen'Dai are not religious, typically.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Constitution

Size: Large

Speed: 8 squares

Regeneration: Gen'Dai receive Second Wind as a bonus feat, and they have Regeneration 5 (Fire). With this regeneration they can regrow lost limbs (including their head or other significant organs) in 1d10 minutes.

Resilient Physiology: Gen'Dai double their damage threshold, and only die at 12 + their Constitution. Never Give Up increases this by +2, and Hard to Kill increases it by +4.

Languages: Native Language and Gen'Dai

{Note: It is not recommended to allow players to play Gen'Dai. Take great care when allowing this species for players.}

(Image from Star Wars Insider 74)