
Often assumed to be a myth due to their bizarre existence, Stickfolk are the culmination of stick figures being given life by a mad artist, and populating certain realms of the wider multiverse.

Physical Description: Stickfolk are meant to mimic humans in an extremely rudimentary form, being made incredibly simplistically. Some are 'drawn' in different colors, but most commonly stickfolk are jet black. Most prefer to wear clothes to distinguish themselves from the rest.

Most Common Alignment: Due to their bizarre nature and tendency towards violence due tho their creation, Stickfolk are often of the Disorderly Neutral alignment. This doesn't mean some break free from this stereotype, as some Stickfolk become Orderly or even Holy or Unholy champions.

Most Common Class: Complimenting their quick reactions and (unintentionally) charming nature, Stickfolk do well as Mages, Priests, Rogues, Nobles, Minstrels, or some even become Chronomancers or Stand Users.

Most Common Deity: Stickfolk usually worship the "Great Artist" who brought them to life, an old Archsage who specialized in art, and one day decided to give life to his many doodles and drawings.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Dexterity and Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Thin Anatomy: Stickfolk receive a +2 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense.

Weapon Familiarity: Choose a single weapon type or exotic weapon. Stickfolk gain proficiency in that weapon type or exotic weapon as a bonus feat.

Languages: Native Human Languages

(Image by PurpleShyMoon)