
Name/Title: Coolington "The Show Off"

Alignment: Holy Neutrality

Portfolio: Jewelry, Fashion, Joy

Holy Symbol: An ornate necklace of gold and silver

Favored Animal: Boar

Favored Color: Green

Favored Weapon: Shortsword

Emissaries: Coolington, being the greatest of Goblins (in his own eyes) comes down in whatever ridiculous attire his mind has conjured, though always in a Goblinoid form when he shows up. His clothes also reflect his mood.

Personality: Overly joyous (to the point of other deities being concerned for him), Coolington is happy with almost everything and can usually find the silver lining to whatever situation. If there is no silver lining, he'll make some up! If all else fails, he becomes angry. And nobody has survived his wrath.

Code of Conduct: Priests of Coolington are required to have a super cool nickname (in their own eyes, but Coolington does judge their nickname) and must have a super cool uniform to boot. In addition, the phrase "Coolington smells of dung!" must never be uttered, for it summons him and invokes his wrath. There is no silver lining in smelling like dung!

Uniform: Priests of Coolington must wear a super cool uniform (as stated above), however in addition this uniform is required to incorporate jewelry and bright colors. Dark colors aren't 'cool' to him, only colors like pink, green (he really likes green), or purple.

(A devout worshiper of Coolington)

(Image by imaginism)