Magic Weapons

Weapons can be enchanted with magic to increase their potency, and give them special effects which are beneficial to their wielder. This is represented in many ways; some weapons receive a flat bonus to attack and damage, others receive special abilities. Despite the effectiveness of industry in some technologically advanced worlds, even they have trouble meeting some demand for magical weapons. Because of this, they tend to be a prized possession. Not necessarily rare, but highly personalized and sought after.

The first type of benefit a character can get from a magical weapon is a bonus to attack and damage. This is the most common type of magic weapon due to its simplicity in crafting.

Special Weapon Powers

Weapons can have any amount of weapon powers, so long as you can afford them. Weapons don't need the "Magic Weapon Bonuses" seen above in order to gain Special Weapon Powers, however for each Magic Weapon Bonus you possess you can gain Special Weapon Power(s) so long as the amount of Powers is equal to half the total Magic Weapon Bonus price. You cannot gain multiple if they all equal half the price, however you can gain multiple for each step the bonus increases.

Elemental Weapons

Power Cost: 1,500 G

Power Effect: On a successful hit you deal an additional 1d6 points of energy damage. Purchasing this enchantment costs 1,500 G and is upgradable. Upgrades to this enchantment increase the elemental damage by an extra d6, however upgrades increase the costs dramatically. For upgrading this enchantment, calculate the cost by adding 500 G (+1), 1000 G (+2), 2000 G (+3) or 4000 G (+4) to the base price each time it is upgraded. For example a 2d6 variant would cost 1,500 for the initial cost and then an additional 2,000 for the upgrade (1,500 G plus 500 G), bringing total costs up to 3,500 G. The choices for energy damage are as follows: Fire, Cold, Acid, or Electricity.


Power Cost: 3,000 G

Power Effect: This weapon has a special knack for landing more critical hits to deal immense damage. Upon purchasing this power, you double the weapon's critical threat range. Weapons with a critical threat range of 20 (they only list the multiplier) become 19-20, 19-20 becomes 17-20, and finally 18-20 becomes 15-20. The upgrade for Penetrating adds the weapon's Magic Weapon Bonus onto critical confirmation rolls, and costs 1,500 G.


Power Cost: 5,000 G

Power Effect: This weapon is imbued with holy energy, giving it a ghostly white glow around the blade. This weapon deals +2d8 points of holy damage to creatures harmed by holy damage, and deals double damage to demons and undead. This bypasses DR/Holy.


Power Cost: 5,000 G

Power Effect: This weapon is marred by unholy energy, giving it a faint red glow around the blade. This weapon deals +2d8 points of unholy damage to creatures harmed by unholy damage, and deals double damage to angels and anything with the Celestial template. This bypasses DR/Unholy.


Power Cost: 5,000 G

Power Effect: This weapon is imbued with orderly energy, giving it a royal navy glow around the blade. This weapon deals +2d8 points of damage to creatures of the disorder alignment, and deals double damage to Outsiders with the Disorder subtype.


Power Cost: 5,000 G

Power Effect: This weapon is imbued with disorderly energy, giving it a chaotic black glow around the blade. This weapon deals +2d8 points of damage to creatures of the order alignment, and deals double damage to Outsiders with the Order subspecies.


Power Cost: 10,000 G

Power Effect: Due to the immense speed of this weapon, it allows for its wielder to make an additional attack at their highest attack bonus on a full-round attack. The upgrade for this enchantment adds a bonus to attack and damage to the attack granted by Quick equal to the weapon's magic weapon bonus. This stacks with the bonus already granted by the magic weapon bonus. This upgrade costs an additional 12,500 G on top of the base price.

Hands Free

Power Cost: 18,000 G

Power Effect: Allowing its wielder to keep their hands free and attack separately, a weapon with this enchantment floats in the air and attacks for its user. On command as a standard action the weapon floats from its wielder's hand into an adjacent square and will begin attacking on the round after it leaves its wielder's hands. Requiring a swift action to control, it moves at a speed of 6 squares (and 12 squares if the owner spends their move action focusing on the weapon). At the end of the weapon's movement it makes a single attack using the wielder's highest mental stat in place of their physical stats for attack and damage.


Power Cost: 25,000 G

Power Effect: This can only be applied to slashing weapons, and on a natural 20 (followed by a successful critical confirmation roll) the weapon decapitates its target, instantly killing them. Creatures without heads and creatures which specifically state their immunity to vorpal are unaffected by vorpal weapons.