Arc of Darkness

You unleash a gout of energy which heals your allies, then simultaneously harms enemies.

Spell Type: Divine {Unholy}

EXP Cost: 4

Casting Time: Standard

Target: Ally within 10 squares

Goes Against: N/A / Will Defense

Description: You unleash a gout of dark energy that, upon hitting your ally, heals them for 2d8 + casting stat points of damage, and then makes an attack against the Will Defense of any enemies within 2 squares of the ally hit. Enemies whose Will Defense is hit take the dice's results as damage (unmodified by casting stat). Due to this spell's arcing and weaving, it can "jump" to multiple people. By spending 1 MP after casting the spell, you can have the bolt arc into an ally within your range - the range of the spell still being calculated with you as the center, even if it arcs out from the allies' square. This jump can occur a number of times equal to your casting stat (each additional jump costing 1 MP each).

By spending 2 EXP to advance the spell, you receive +1d8 to your arc of darkness. This goes up to a maximum of 10d8.