Bend Metal

You mold and shape metal within your palm like it is merely clay.

Spell Type: Nature {Urban}

EXP Cost: 1

Casting Time: Full-Round Action

Target: Touched or held metal

Goes Against: N/A

Description: Metal that you hold or touch can be shaped and molded like putty within your hands. This cannot destroy or create new metal, merely shape existing metal. You can shape 1 square of metal for every 2 points in your casting stat you have.

With Bend Metal you can create a crude weapon or crude set of armor that falls apart after the end of the encounter. In addition, Bend Metal can be cast to aid in crafting metal items, granting a +8 bonus to the Artisan check being made.

    • Crude Weapon: 1d8 damage, x2 critical hit, one-handed melee or 6 sq. ranged weapon; B, P, or S, 4 lbs.

    • Crude Armor: +5 Armor Bonus, -5 Armor Penalty, +2 Maximum Dexterity to Reflex Defense, 35 lbs.