Spirit Armor

Sets of armor with souls bound to them through use of magic, alchemy, or whatnot. These sets of armor could house the soul of many different types of beings, however a human soul is commonly bound to one.

Physical Description: Varying by the type of armor that is worn, the two things that distinguish a Spirit Armor from regular armor is the magical seal written on or inside the armor to bind the soul, and the glowing eyes which peak out from the armor when a helmet is worn.

Most Common Alignment: Spirit Armor tends to remain the same alignment as they did in their former life, however some experience a crisis after having died, their alignments rapidly shifting from what it used to be.

Most Common Class: Though most prefer to choose the same class they were in their past life, some try to change things up. Spirit Armor tends to avoid magic-using classes if they weren't already one.

Most Common Deity: Spirit Armor very rarely worships any type of deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Strength and Integrity

Size: Large

Speed: 4 squares

Type: Construct (Spirit Armor) - can still be affected by mind-affecting effects.

Armor Shell: Select a set of heavy armor (that isn't Heavy Powered Armor). The Spirit Armor is considered to be always wearing this set of heavy armor, gaining its bonuses. Their speed is never affected by armor, and they reduce the Armor Penalty by 1. They are considered proficient in this armor.

Constructed: Due to possessing no vital organs, the Spirit Armor replaces their Constitution with Integrity, which shows how much punishment the Spirit Armor can take before it is destroyed. When brought to 0 HP, it is considered unconscious. Only a coup de grace after the armor has been knocked unconscious can kill the soul. The armor remains unconscious until an outside force brings them back to life by restoring HP. Spirit Armor can be healed by Holy and is harmed by Unholy.

Languages: Native Language

(Image from Fullmetal Alchemist)