
Winged, nocturnal animals that eat fruits, insects, and one species is known to drink blood.

Bat (Common)

Intensity: 0.1 (Standard Human)

True Neutral; Diminutive; Animal


Fortitude Defense: 9 ; Reflex Defense: 15 ; Will Defense: 12

HP: 37 (40 - 3 (Con) ) ; Damage Threshold: 9


Speed 6 sq. (Fly)

Melee Bite +4 (1d2+3)

Space 0 sq. ; Reach 0 sq.


STR -5, Dex 3, Con -3, Int -4, Wis 2, Cha -4

Attack Bonus +1 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Weapon Finesse (Bonus)

Skills Acrobatics (Agility) +9; Racial Modifiers +5 Acrobatics

Language None

Special Little Nibbles

Little Nibbles (Ex)

If the bat is able to deal damage, the opponent takes a -1 penalty to Reflex Defense for 1 round. This penalty doesn't stack from multiple bats.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment dungeons, caves, outdoors at night

Organization solitary or pair

Universe any

Treasure none